Mental Breakdown


I started to question reality, hallucinated, had blackout. The things you feel are barely describable.

lt is like you're trapped just waiting for everything to cave in, you just don't know when or where it happen, and you can't stop it. More like a choking feeling for me. Overwhelming emotional thoughts that make you feel like you're going crazy or might explode. like it all just rushes in at once and it feels like you can't escape. it feels like you're entire world is crashing into itself and reality as you know it might not be real at all. it feels terrible and is bad enough to make you numb or angry at everything.Like you've lost all hope. Like your world is ending. You wanna scream and cry and hide at the same time, and not leave your house. Feels like you've lost all control. And are lost.

According to me....
Most mentally broken or emotionally messed up people would want to delete their social media accounts like Facebook, Whatsapp etc. and tell this to everyone because that time they are feeling unloved and need attention from as much people as possible specially from the one who was the cause of this. And in that time you just have to pay attention for your self. You have to love yourself. You just have to believe in yourself I am sure you are just going to be better
after this.....


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